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As architects
we know all the
ins and outs of
temporary accommodation.

Impressions of Marggraf

We specialise in the planning and development of building concepts, specifically in the hotel and care segments. We design and build hotels for international companies domestically and abroad, retirement homes, student halls, buildings for microliving and care campuses. Interior design, office construction and commercial construction are additional segments in which we have in-depth expertise in terms of operational procedures and project requirements.

Working together with building owners, we develop customised solutions for new builds, conversions and renovations. We are also well-versed in terms of the general framework, building regulations and development plans. Our customers benefit from our advice and support throughout project inception, during site, feasibility and profitability analyses, and in the planning, design and implementation phases.


What sets us apart

02. Expertise

We plan and build modern hotels using concepts that reflect the spirit of the age and combine aesthetics with cost-efficiency. In addition to smart rooms and apartments, these hotels also offer communal areas such as living lobbies for surfing, relaxing or meeting with friends, bars, restaurants, meeting rooms and even co-working space.

What our customers really appreciate: we have been working with prestigious international hotel companies for many years, which enables us to develop solutions that marry feasibility […]

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As temporary accommodation specialists, we have long provided advice to geriatric care facilities and healthcare companies. As a result, we are more than qualified to plan and realise appropriate future building solutions for the care and healthcare sectors. Whether we are designing a retirement home, residential care home or care campus – we work according to customer requirements, involve all the functional parties in the decision-making process and seek pragmatic architectural solutions with contemporary residential character for all the […]

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What are we looking for in future in terms of living, lifestyle and work? How will we effectively marry ecology, economy and aesthetics? How can we find creative solutions? We combine the consequently gained insights with our experience, know-how and intuition for project sustainability. On this basis we are able to advise building owners with regard to administration and commercial buildings, develop concepts for new work spaces or warehouses and convert, for example, a listed villa into an office building. We carefully meet the […]

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To create atmosphere with light and colour, that is the focus of our interior concepts. In this respect we conceptualise the appropriate ambience for the respective use.

We design a suitable interior concept and create a coherent ambience for the building in question, be it a conversion, new build or renovation. Along with the skilled application of materials, the most important criteria when it comes to interior design are light and colour. In the course of lighting design […]

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Why do some spaces promote our sense of well-being when we enter them, while others make us feel stressed and uneasy?

The insights obtained in the field of residential & architectural psychology provide possible answers to this question. They form the basis for our designs and, in a manner of speaking, “set the standard on a human level”.

As an interdisciplinary science, residential & architectural psychology (RAP) combines the expertise of technical and designing professions with insights gained through psychology. […]

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What is doable? Be it a plot or existing building, we examine the feasibility of the project in terms of what, where and how and then consequently recommend the appropriate solution. Ultimately, the point of departure is different for each project. Sometimes premises are already available and we develop a project on that basis. Alternatively, we may have an idea for a creative use and so then look for suitable premises. The ability to develop innovative ideas is our  […]

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Gotel mit 103 Gastzimmern

B&B Hotel – Villingen-Schwenningen


Umplanung eines ursprünglich genehmigten Wohngebäudes zu einer B&B Beherbergungsstätte innerhalb sämtlicher ...


Gestaltung des 3. OG’s als aufgesetztes Mansarddach ohne Platz- und Zimmerverluste sowie die Gestaltung einer 2-geschossigen Lobby.

Daten / Fakten

BGF: 3.987 m²
BRI: 12.367 m³
103 Zimmer



What drives us

03. The latest from Marggraf

Frohe Weihnachten!

Das Jahr 2024 geht zu Ende und wir können wieder auf sehr schöne und interessante Projekte zurückblicken, die wir planen, bearbeiten und auch fertigstellen konnten. Unser…

Angela Gebhart 17. December 2024

6 DH-Hälften + Gew.-Gebäude Markranstädt - Baugenehm.

Nach 13 Monaten wurde jetzt die Baugenehmigung erteilt. Über die Realisierung entscheidet der Bauherr im kommenden Jahr.  

Angela Gebhart 3. December 2024

Umbau Wohngebäude Plochingen - Baugenehmigung

Für unser Bauprojekt in Plochingen haben wir die Baugenehmigung erhalten.   Hier entsteht ein Wohngebäude mit 7 Wohnungen. Dies erfolgt über einen…

Angela Gebhart 3. December 2024

Hotel Premier Inn in Halle – Baufortschritt

Die aufwendigen Verbauarbeiten sind bereits erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Nun erfolgen restliche Erdarbeiten, um anschließend die Gründung herstellen zu können. Mitte…

Angela Gebhart 11. November 2024

What can we do for you?

04. Projekt? Project? Just ask us

No matter what topics interest you, and no matter what your questions might be, we shall be delighted to advise you, and to provide you with answers founded on expertise. Just get in touch with us.